What is digital marketing?


Digital marketing is the practice of promoting goods and services via online platforms like social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email, and mobile apps. Digital marketing is any type of advertising that uses electronic media. Also find the best Digital Marketing Agency Dubai here.

It can be done both online and offline; in truth, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy should include both.

Digital marketing started becoming famous in the early 2000s, but it has existed for a long time. It was first introduced by Guglielmo Marconi. He was the first person to show a “public transmission of wireless signals” in 1896.

The radio was made by him. Morse messages were sent across the open sea not long after his demonstration in England. Although it would be another ten years before the radio would be widely available, the inventors certainly didn’t take long to discover they could use it to sell goods.

Guess what people did following the first live broadcast from a Met opera performance?

They purchased tickets for the performance. That was the birth of digital marketing.

The most important thing in digital marketing is online and offline marketing. These two are the fundamental foundations of digital marketing.

The following are the top 7 online marketing categories:

  • Optimizing for search engines
  • Internet advertising
  • Content promotion
  • Use of social media
  • Paid-per-click promotion
  • Affiliate promotion
  • Email advertising

Digital media has been used by people for decades to improve their marketing.

There are 5 main categories of digital marketing.

More effective offline marketing.

QR codes.


Phone marketing.


More effective offline marketing.

There are 360,000 visitors each day worldwide. People prefer looking at things and buying so some of them even feature live feeds of shoppers or individuals on the square and are interactive.

QR codes.

Users can access a particular website or app by scanning a QR code, a form of a barcode. Previously, separate software had to be downloaded to use QR codes, but nowadays, all you need is your smartphone’s camera to scan the code and access the website.

They may be coupled with some other forms of improved offline marketing to deliver advertisements, direct users to videos, or both.


Radio made a wise decision in recent years. Locate local radio stations by performing a fast Google search before creating a sponsorship. Find a channel whose listeners match the demographic that your business is trying to reach; radio stations ought to be able to give you the information you need to make the appropriate choice.

Phone marketing.

Phone marketing will continue to exist. For the first time in 2015, more cash was spent on mobile ads than on desktop ads, and the market is still expanding. Calls and texts are one of the best means of reaching people. Phone marketing adds new development to digital marketing.


There is one type of television advertisement that may still be worthwhile, but it will cost you a lot of money. This is even though cable TV ads are extremely hard to target the right audience, have a lower ROI than some other features of electronic advertising, and generally seem unimportant in the digital age.